Do you want to acquire the secret magic lore?
Create the character, equip it with essential utensils and attend lectures on different fields of magic. Within that, collect the experience points and collector’s cards representing all the witchcraft, equipment and creatures in the game.

Do you like rivalry?
Duel with players from around the world in a very rarely seen card system. Be the best! Just through your activity and won duels collect the points for your fraction in the cyclically created and published rankings.

Allured by the world of magic and legends?
Let yourself to be absorbed by the non-linear plot and fight to survive in the remarkable lands of Wizardians World. Discover it by undertaking the adventures and gain superb booty. Tear yourself away from the dull reality, experiment and have fun!
The Magic is closer than you think!
Wizardians: In Defense of Magic is a multiplayer adventure card game with elements of RPG and resource management, created on the basis of innovative approach to collectible card games.
- You can play everywhere! One account on following devices: PC, smartphone, tablet; you will always be able to join your fiends online.
- There is something for everyone. The game strikes the right balance in combining what is best in card games, RPG and adventure games!
- Explore the new opportunities given by the revolutionary way of collecting and playing cards – no boosters, decks and random hand selection!
- Custom Tournaments Mode – you’ll be able to create and customize your own small tournaments with an auto generated ladder and your own card restrictions for several friends of yours. Winnings give you unique loot & rewards!
The world of legends and spells is at your fingertips. Joint the Academy of Magic Defenders and taste the exciting adventures in this remarkable, refined in every detail and full of fabulous graphics game.

– Gameplay overview –
Learn the magic, gain cards, taste the adventures!


After the thunderous 20th century, a considerate peace seems to have taken over the lands of Central Europe. A handful of extant wizards of different races and fractions decided to create an Academy, to bring magic back to life and take care of all the magical creatures of the neighboring lands. For this purpose, they chose an existing castle in Poland as an example, and on its basis, created a mighty, magical fortress. At the base of it, they arranged a settlement and the entire area was surrounded by a dense forest. For further security, with use of strong artifacts, the complex is constantly changing its location, remaining invisible for ordinary people. Rumor has it that it may even travel between different worlds.
In the course of your first day at the Academy, many peculiar events occurred. Magical creatures, petrified, hid deeply in the woods, and the spirits suddenly scattered all over the fortress. The masters tried to calm down the students that nothing serious is happening, but they hardly managed to hide their concerns. It must have been serious, since the director locked himself in his cabinet and did not take part in the inauguration. Allegedly, it had never happened before…
Create your own unique character and lead it to the magical victory! You can put yourself into the impetuous and wild Giant, meticulous and skilled Gnome, or into one of the proud and ambitious Humans. You already do not know which one to choose? No problem! You can create several characters at one time. Additionally, if you wish, all your characters will develop simultaneously and have full access to already collected cards, so any of your characters can put up a duel with the most demanding opponents!
Each of your characters will be able to join one of four mighty fractions, all competing with each other throughout the ranking season in race for great rewards! Maybe you will join the ranks of dark and mysterious Necromancers of the Chors fraction? Or, if you want to acquire the skill of possessing souls and bodies of your enemies or strengthen your own power, the Alchemy learners of Zaltis will be the ones you will want to take lessons from. Or perhaps you will be tempted by the treasury full of magical items, created and protected by the students of Rarog fraction? In case you want to learn how to tame the mighty beasts and make magical creatures cooperate with you, just head towards the Lado fraction!

Having decided which fraction to join, you need to choose two additional fields of magic, which along with the fraction’s one, will be your specializations. During the development of your character these will strengthen your power and chances of collecting rare and unique cards of those very subjects. Note! The Academy’s headmasters, after a long and lively debate, decided that everyone has a right to change chosen fraction and specialization once in the ranking season. They argued that it is only a troll or possibly its meal who never change their minds.

Gold Coins

Gold is the main currency. With coins, you can buy necessary school supplies, artifacts and adventures! Do your best to have your pouch full of these beautifully shining coins, because – as our main treasurer likes to say – gold is not everything, but everything without gold is nothing! Collect it by winning duels with other players, undertaking side quests and adventures, and by regular logging into the game.
School supplies

In the game, you will see some special school supplies necessary for your learning – in other words, your character’s development. Each lecture you want to attend requires certain amounts and kinds of school supplies, depending on a subject and its level of advancement. Without these, none of the teachers will allow you to take part in their classes. There are 7 unique supplies which can be collected during adventures and side quests. You can also buy them from a peculiar and pragmatic Wizard in the village.


This is where you arrange all your activities at the Academy. The planner is enchanted, so it will remind you itself about the beginning and ending of your classes, of course in your specified order. Unfortunately, it has its flaws. The biggest one is that the majority of its space can only be filled with learning – at last, it is the Academy of Magic Defenders. Luckily, the rest of time can be spent on nicer things, like adventures and side quests. I will give you a hint – apparently Gnomes from the elder classes know how to assign some additional activities to this mean planner.
School subjects

What would be school without classes? Well, probably heaven, but learning magic is an overriding priority at the Wizardians Academy. During the game, you will be able to choose classes you want to take part in. You can choose from 5 fields of magic which overlap with the Cards’ main categories: Spells, Magical Items, Necromancy, Alchemy and Magical Creatures. Remember, all your learning is rewarded! After finishing your classes you will get experience points and collect several cards of chosen subject. The quality of rewards can be improved by using special learning artifacts – do not worry, usually teachers come out to be merciful and let students use those during classes.


Wizardians is a game full of magical items, so it could not miss the mighty artifacts! The artifacts demonstrate a high versatility. They will speed up your learning and shorten the time of side jobs. These can also make your rewards even better – mightier cards, more learnt cards, more experience points and, of course, more gold coins. Supply yourself with these quickly, other case you will fall behind! Artifacts can be bought in the village or collected during adventures.
The entire knowledge gained through learning and adventures will be represented by your collected cards, which can be saved in your spellbooks. By means of these you will be able to cast spells, summon magical creatures and use potions. Cards can be categorized by fields of magic, frequency of appearance and belonging to certain fraction. Since in Wizardians there is no traditional deck of cards to take in hand, but just cards that can be played in random order, you are probably wondering what to do with duplicates of already collected cards? All the duplicates can be laid back to school supplies, sold for gold or even used to teach another player from the same fraction a certain spell.


Every learner of witchcraft has their own spellbooks, where they collect all their acquired knowledge. In one book you can store up to 30 chosen cards of your collection. You will use your spellbooks during duels and adventures. The students of the Academy can create any number of spellbooks per character and personalize graphics and names of each one, to make them easier to distinguish. The key is to have your parchments organized, particularly during an unexpected wands crossing!
Duels between the Academy students are the most exciting part of the game! The clashes of two young wizards are divided into rounds. During your turn, you can usually play one card of one field of magic on place assigned to it on the board, only if you have enough mana points, which you use when casting spells. The magical energy regenerates with one point per round. You can speed up the regeneration process by means of special items, potions, or by presence of the magical creatures. Bonus points will be added to the cards’ main statistics, following your chosen specializations. What is most interesting, you have constant access to each card from the prepared book! The duel ends, when life points of one player drop to zero. At the end of a duel, the winner gets school supplies, gold coins, experience points and, in case of duel with student from another fraction, ranking points.

Adventures & sidequests

Wizardians is not only about cards and resource management, but also about the extended world with full-fledged plot. Each adventure is divided into several chapters and tells a unique story, full of riddles, dialogues and duels. At the same time, it will be full of interactive illustrations, surprising plot twists and extraordinary humor! Apart from that, there is plenty of other minor side quests, which will definitely help you repair your game budget. If you smile to the village innkeeper, he will surely tell you the newest gossip from all over the world, or even tell you a fascinating story. Who knows, perhaps that chat is about to start a life adventure? If not, you will just earn a couple of gold coins from cleaning kitchens or organizing dusty scrolls.
– Details informations –
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Wizardians?
Wizardians is an innovative, beautifully illustrated, multiplayer card game, that combines the elements of economic, adventure and RPG games in a new way.
What distinguishes Wizardians from other card games?
You will no longer be forced to take pot luck when picking cards while duels! In our innovative card system, you will have access to all the cards you had already owned and put in the Spellbook. No more irritation and unlucky fate! From now, only your skills, premeditated strategy and commitment will decide about the result of the fight! During the game, the use of cards is restrained only by mana points of the character, right slots and cooldowns (in some cards). The cards might be collected while attending lectures, undertaking adventures and sidequests. It is worth mentioning that with the development of your character, specializations of certain fields of magic will affect cards’ power and improve their statistics. Apart from the duels, players may also focus on economics and collecting cards or on undertaking adventures, discovering the absorbing plot set in an illustrated magical universe.
What device / system does the game require?
Wizardians will be an online game, hence the master requirement is the Internet access. We will take care of the game’s wide availability, so it will be dedicated to both PC players with any operating system (Windows, IOS, Linux) and users of mobile devices with Android and IOS.
What language is the game designed to be using?
In it’s original stage, the game will be available only in English and Polish. Yet we are not excluding the possibility of translating it into other languages – depending on interest in the game in particular regions of the world.
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